68 research outputs found

    Making R&D at MINT relevant to national development

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    This paper attempts to identify issues facing nuclear research centres by tracing the development of the Malaysian Institute for Nuclear Technology Research (MINT). Approaches taken to arrive at the strategies in the areas of research and technology development, cooperation and technology transfer, and commercialization are highlighted. Interspersed in that review are some of the issues that are then collated in the Issues section

    Nuclear Energy: An Ethical Use of Resources

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    Energy is the lifeblood of development, but its amount is finite. It can neither be created nor destroyed; but it can be converted from one form to another. The conversion changes the state of the resources and the change generally is not reversible. Nuclear energy steadily contributes about sixteen percent to global total electricity demand. Its application for electricity production is expected to increase due to dwindling natural resources, concern for greenhouse gaseous emission, and the limited capability of renewable energy and biofuels to be major energy resources. Nuclear energy, however, is plagued with ever presence public perception issues, some are real some are due to misperceptions. The trio of accidents: Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and most recently, Fukushima, however has slightly dampened the prospect. Nuclear energy makes use of uranium, an element that has no peaceful applications other than to be used in nuclear power reactors to generate heat or neutrons, produce steam, and drive turbo-generators for electricity production. Other resources, such as oil, coal, and gas have multiplicity of uses that cannot be substituted by uranium. On that premise, this paper argues that the use of nuclear energy is an ethical choice. This choice overrides considerations such as waste, complexity, and safety that are often projected as reasons for avoiding it altogether. Those considerations are of scientific and engineering dimensions that mankind has to wrestle and overcome as the khalifah. In so doing, proper education and ethical use of knowledge become imperative. ย  ABSTRAK: Tenaga adalah nadi pembangunan, tetapi jumlahnya terbatas. Ia tidak boleh dicipta atau dimusnahkan; tetapi ia boleh ditukar dari satu bentuk ke bentuk lain. Pertukaran bentuk ini mengubah keadaan sumber tenaga dan perubahan tersebut tidak boleh ditukarbalik. Tenaga nuklear menyumbang kira-kira enam belas peratus kepada jumlah permintaan elektrik global. Keperluan tenaga elektrik dijangka meningkat kerana pengurangan sumber asli, kebimbangan atas pelepasan gas rumah hijau, dan keupayaan biofuel dan tenaga boleh diperbaharui untuk menjadi sumber tenaga utama. Namun begitu, tenaga nuklear sentiasa dibelenggu oleh isu-isu persepsi umum, sebahagiannya benar dan sebahagian lagi disebabkan oleh salah anggap. Ketiga-tiga kemalangan nuklear: Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, dan baharu-baharu ini, Fukushima, bagaimanapun menjejaskan sedikit prospek berkenaan. Tenaga nuklear menggunakan uranium, suatu unsur yang tidak mempunyai sebarang kegunaan aman selain daripada digunakan dalam reaktor nuklear untuk menjana neutron atau haba, menghasilkan wap, dan memacu turbo-generator yang mengeluarkan elektrik. Sumber-sumber lain seperti minyak, arang batu dan gas mempunyai pelbagai kegunaan yang tidak boleh digantikan oleh uranium. Atas hujjah itu, rencana ini mengutarakan bahawa penggunaan tenaga nuklear adalah pilihan yang beretika. Pilihan ini mengatasi pertimbangan-pertimbangan seperti sisa, kerumitan teknologi, dan keselamatan yang sering ditonjolkan sebagai alasan untuk mengelakkan sama sekali kegunaan tenaga nuklear. Pertimbangan-pertimbangan tersebut adalah dalam dimensi saintifik dan kejuruteraan yang manusia, sebagai khalifah, perlu tangani dan atasi. Dalam berbuat demikian, pendidikan yang sempurna dan penggunaan pengetahuan yang beretika menjadi penting. ย  Keywords-nuclear energy;greenhouse gas; renewable energy; ethical energy use; nuclear fuel; uranium; nuclear reactor

    Modeling nuclear processes using simulink

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    Simulation and modeling are essential parts in the study of dynamic system behaviour. in nuclear engineering, simulation and modeling are important o assess the expected result of an experiment before the actual experiment is conducted or in the design of nuclear facilities. In education, modeling can give insight into the dynamics of systems and processes. Most nuclear processes can be described by ordinary or partial differential equations. Efforts expended to solve the equations using analytical or numerical solution consume time and distract attention from the objective of modeling itself. This paper presents the use of Simulink, a Matlab toolbox software that is widely used in control engineering, as a modeling platform for the study of nuclear processes including nuclear reactor behaviour. Starting from the describing equations, Simulink models for heat transfer, radionuclide decay process, delayed neutron fractions, reactor point kinetic equation with six delayed neutron group, and the effect of temperature feedback are used as examples

    Some Commonly Used Speech Feature Extraction Algorithms

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    Speech is a complex naturally acquired human motor ability. It is characterized in adults with the production of about 14 different sounds per second via the harmonized actions of roughly 100 muscles. Speaker recognition is the capability of a software or hardware to receive speech signal, identify the speaker present in the speech signal and recognize the speaker afterwards. Feature extraction is accomplished by changing the speech waveform to a form of parametric representation at a relatively minimized data rate for subsequent processing and analysis. Therefore, acceptable classification is derived from excellent and quality features. Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC), Linear Prediction Coefficients (LPC), Linear Prediction Cepstral Coefficients (LPCC), Line Spectral Frequencies (LSF), Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and Perceptual Linear Prediction (PLP) are the speech feature extraction techniques that were discussed in these chapter. These methods have been tested in a wide variety of applications, giving them high level of reliability and acceptability. Researchers have made several modifications to the above discussed techniques to make them less susceptible to noise, more robust and consume less time. In conclusion, none of the methods is superior to the other, the area of application would determine which method to select

    Prospect for nuclear engineering education in Malaysia

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    The use of nuclear power for electricity generation using nuclear power reactors are well-known. Malaysia is considering the use of nuclear power in her energy mix. Engineers with nuclear engineering background will be needed alongside other engineering disciplines. The planning window for a national nuclear power program is long, but the need to graduate nuclear engineers from Malaysian universities should be thought about earlier. There are courses in Malaysian universities that are related to nuclear science and technology. These courses are far from typical nuclear engineering curriculum, but can be the basis for setting-up such program. The nuclear program is not expected to be very big as to require multiple universities offering nuclear engineering degree program. Furthermore suitable faculties are dispersed among several universities. Consortium of universities could be an approach to start the human capital aspect of the nuclear power program


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    The probabilistic model of a laser scanner presents an important aspect for simultaneous localization and map-building (SLAM). However, the characteristic of the beam of the laser range finder under extreme incident angles approaching 900 has not been thoroughly investigated. This research paper reports the characteristic of the density of the range value coming from a laser range finder under close range circumstances where the laser is imposed with a high incident angle. The laser was placed in a controlled environment consisting of walls at a close range and 1000 iteration of scans was collected. The assumption of normal density of the metrical data collapses when the beam traverses across sharp edges in this environment. The data collected also shows multimodal density at instances where the range has discontinuity. The standard deviation of the laser range finder is reported to average at 10.54 mm, with 0.96 of accuracy. This significance suggests that under extreme incident angles, a laser range finder reading behaves differently compared to normal distribution. The use of this information is crucial for SLAM activity in enclosed environments such as inside piping grid or other cluttered environments. KEYWORDS: ย  Hokuyo UTM-30LX; kernel density estimation; probabilistic model
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